Motukea International Container Terminal Partner Advisory |
14/06/2024 |
Dear Ports Users,
In our Customer Advisory of 21 December 2023, we made Port Users aware that the Independent Consumer and Competition Commission (“ICCC”) had conducted a Stevedoring and Handling Services Pricing Review (“the Review”), resulting in a Final Report and Prices Order being issued on 8 December 2023.
ICTSI South Pacific Limited’s (“ISPL”) rightful position was that the Review did not enable the ICCC to make a Prices Order on SPICT and MIT, and furthermore, ISPL contested most of the underlying financial calculations, assumptions, assertions, and claims contained in the Final Report.
Therefore, ISPL had no choice but to commence legal proceedings against the ICCC, which resulted in a Stay Order being granted by The National Court in favour of ISPL on 21 December 2023.
This is to advise that on 11 June 2024, The National Court endorsed Orders that the ICCC Review and Prices Order are null and void and of no effect.
SPICT and MIT Stevedoring & Handling Tariff rates will remain unchanged throughout 2024 and 2025, meaning price stability and predictability for Port Users for the 3-year period from 1 January 2023 to 1 January 2026.
SPICT and MIT will continue to operate at the current high levels of efficiency, ensuring that services remain consistent and in line with performance obligations.
Yours faithfully,
ICTSI South Pacific Management